Supporting Documents Data Template

Criterion 1 – Curricular Aspects

1.1.1    Academic calendar

1.1.1   Time tables

1.1.1   Teacher’s participation to workshop/ seminars of revised syllabi

1.1.1   Teaching aids

1.1.1   Guest lectures in Institute

1.1.1    Institutes’ Youtube channel & Whatsapp group

1.1.1    Academic Diaries

1.1.1   Internal Assessment in AY 2018-19

1.1.1    Internal Assessment in AY 2019-20

1.1.1    Internal Assessment in AY 2020-21

1.1.1    Internal Assessment in AY 2021-22

1.1.1   Internal Assessment in AY 2022-23

1.2.1    Year wise list of Certificate/ Value added courses offered

1.2.1    Brochure/ notice with course modules and outcomes

1.2.1    Certificate Programme in AY 2018-19

1.2.1    List of students and attendance sheets (2018-19)

1.2.1    Course completion certificates (2018-19)

1.2.1    Certificate Programme in AY 2019-20

1.2.1    List of students and attendance sheets (2019-20)

1.2.1    Course completion certificates (2019-20)

1.2.1    Certificate programme in AY 2021-22

1.2.1    List of students and attendance sheets (2021-22)

1.2.1    Course completion certificates (2021-22)

1.2.1    Certificate Programme in AY 2022-23

1.2.1    List of students and attendance sheets (2022-23)

1.2.1    Course completion certificates (2022-23)

1.3.1   Integration of cross-cutting issues the curriculum (Bachelor of Arts)

1.3.1   Integration of cross-cutting issues the curriculum (Bachelor of Commerce)

1.3.1   Integration of cross-cutting issues the curriculum (Bachelor of Science)

1.3.1   Elements of Professional ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability

1.3.2   Data for Project work/ Field work in AY 2022-23

1.3.2    Courses with project work/ field work

1.3.2    List of students undertaking project work/ field work in AY 2022-23

1.3.2    Completion certificates of the students

1.3.2    Report of the field work (AY 2022-23)

1.4.1    Feedback and ATR (AY 2018-19)

1.4.1    Feedback and ATR (AY 2019-20)

1.4.1   Feedback and ATR (2020-21)

1.4.1   Feedback and ATR (AY 2021-22)

1.4.1    Feedback and ATR (AY 2022-23)

1.4.1    Filled-in feedback form from the stake holders

1.4.1    Action taken reports on feedback analysis

Criteria 2- Teaching- Learning and Evaluation

2.1.1    Sanctioned intake for First Year students

2.1.1    Number of students admitted (AY 2018-19)

2.1.1    Number of students admitted (AY 2019-20)

2.1.1    Number of students admitted (AY 2020-21)

2.1.1    Number of students admitted (AY 2021-22)

2.1.1    Number of students admitted (AY 2022-23)

2.1.1    Document related to sanction of intake from affiliating University/ Government/ Statutory body

2.1.1    Approved admission list (First Year admission) for AY 2022-23

2.1.1    Approved admission list (First Year admission) for AY 2021-22

2.1.1    Approved admission list (First Year admission) for AY 2020-21

2.1.1    Approved admission list (First Year admission) for AY 2019-20

2.1.1    Approved admission list (First Year admission) for AY 2018-19

2.1.1    Sanctioned admission strength in each programme Vs Student’s enrolment for each Programme year-wise

2.1.2   Percentage of seats reserved for various categories (SC, ST, OBC, etc.) as per reservation policy

2.1.1    Copy of letter issued by University/ State Govt./ Central Government indicating the reserved categories

2.1.1    Number of Seats year wise earmarked for the reserved categories

2.1.1    Number of Seats filled against the reserved quota (First Year admission)

2.1.1    Programme-wise summary of enrolled students in AY 2022-23

2.1.1    List of Full time teachers in AY 2022-23

2.1.1    List of enrolled students in AY 2022-23

2.3.1   Student centric methods of learning

2.3.1    Methods of experiential learning

2.3.1    Methods of participative learning

2.3.1   Problem solving methodologies

2.4.1   List of full time teachers authenticated by the Principal

2.4.1    Copy of letter indicating number of sanctioned post by competent authority

2.4.2    List of full time teachers with highest degree along with particulars of degree awarding University, subject and the year of award

2.4.2    Copies of Ph.D./ D.Sc./ D.Litt./ L.L.D. awarded by UGC recognized Universities

2.5.1   Evaluation pattern in external/ internal assessment

2.5.1   Unfair means committee report

2.5.1    Grievances redressal in external/ internal assessment

2.5.1    University Circulars regarding Examinations (Last Five Years)

2.5.1    Time tables/ Schedules of Examinations (Last Five Years)

2.5.1    Seating arrangements / Supervisor allocation of Examinations (Last Five Years)

2.5.1    Geotagged photos of Exam Control Unit

2.6.1   PO’s and CO’s for Faculty of Arts

2.6.1   PO’s and CO’s for Faculty of Commerce

2.6.1   PO’s and CO’s for Faculty of Science

2.6.1    Attainment of PO’s and CO’s (Result analysis)

2.6.2    Attainment of PO’s and CO’s (Progression of students to higher studies and Placements)

2.6.2    Programme-wise result analysis of Final Year University Exams (Last Five Years)

2.6.2    Achievements of the Students in Cultural/ Research competitions & Extension activities

2.6.2    List of Students progressing for higher education with details of Programme

2.6.2   List of students placed along with placement details

2.6.3   Pass percentage of students of final year eligible for the degree

2.6.3   Result sheet published by the affiliating University (AY 2022-23)

2.6.3   Result sheet published by the affiliating University (AY 2021-22)

2.6.3   Result sheet published by the affiliating University (AY 2020-21)

2.6.3   Result sheet published by the affiliating University (AY 2019-20)

2.6.3   Result sheet published by the affiliating University (AY 2018-19)

2.6.3   Certified report from COE of the affiliating University indicating pass percentage of Final Year Examinations

2.7.1   Student satisfaction survey

Criteria 3- Research, Innovations and Extension

3.1.1   List of grants for research projects received during the assessment years

3.1.1   Grants for research projects along with copy of sanctioned letter

3.2.1    Ecosystem for innovation (Activities of Research Cell)

3.2.1    Ecosystem for innovation (Activities of Science Association)

3.2.1   Certificates of participation to Avishkar

3.2.2    Workshop/ seminars/ conferences including research methodology

3.4.1    Extension activities carried out in the neighbouring community (by WDC)

3.4.1    Extension activities carried out in the neighbouring community (by DLLE)

3.4.1   Extension activities by the Cultural activity committee

3.4.1   Extension activities by the Science Association

3.4.1   Extension activities by the Women Development Cell

3.4.1    Award and recognition received for extension activities (by DLLE)

3.4.2    Award and recognition received for extension activities (by NSS)

3.4.2    Extension and outreach programme conducted by NSS

3.4.3    Extension and outreach programme conducted by WDC

3.4.3    New Voter’s registration campaign by NSS

3.4.3    Donation drives in Community by NSS

3.4.3    Cleanliness drives under ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ by NSS

3.4.3    Tree plantation under ‘Mission Green Earth’ by NSS

3.4.3    COVID vaccination camp by NSS

3.4.3    Residential Camp in adopted village by NSS

3.5.1    Collaborations /linkages for Field trip (by Chemistry dept.)

3.5.1    Collaborations /linkages for Field trip (by Botany dept.)

3.5.1    Collaborations /linkages for Field trip (by Geography & History dept.)

3.5.1    Collaborations linkages for Field trip (by Commerce dept)

3.5.1    Collaborations /linkages for student exchange (by Botany dept.)

3.5.1    List and copies of documents indicating the functional MoUs/linkage/collaborations

3.5.1    Summary of the functional MoUs/linkage/collaborations

Criterion 4 - Infrastructure and Learning Resources

4.1.1   Infrastructure and Physical facilities in the institution

4.1.1    Geotagged photographs of physical facilities in the institution

4.1.2    Audited statements of income and expenditure (2018-19)

4.1.2    Audited statements of income and expenditure (2019-20)

4.4.1    Institutional expenditure statements for e-governance implementation

4.1.2   Audited statements of income and expenditure (2020-21)

4.1.2   Audited statements of income and expenditure (2021-22)

4.1.2   Audited statements of income and expenditure (2022-23)

4.2.1   Integrated Library Management System

4.2.1    Amount spent on purchase of books

4.2.1    Details of Library usage by teachers and students

4.3.1   IT facilities in the institution

4.3.1   Updates in IT facilities and bandwidth for internet connection

4.3.2    Number of computers in the institute

4.3.2    Student-Computer ratio

4.3.2    Bills of purchase of Computers

4.3.2    Number of computers received in donation

4.4.1    Expenditure for infrastructure development and agumentation

4.4.1   Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities

Criterion 5- Student Support and Progression

5.1.1   Sanction letter of scholarships and freeships

5.1.1   Students benefited by scholarship provided by the Government

5.1.1   Students benefited by scholarship provided by the Non-government agencies & philanthropist

5.1.1   Policy documents of the institute for award of Non-government scholarship and freeship

5.1.2   Report with photographs on programme conducted to enhance Language and Communication skill

5.1.2   Report with photographs on programme conducted to enhance Life skills (Yoga)

5.1.2   Report with photographs on programme conducted to enhance Life skills (Health & Hygiene)

5.1.2   Report with photographs on programme conducted to enhance Life skills (Entrepreneurial skills)

5.1.2   Report with photographs on programme conducted for awareness of trends in technology

5.1.2   Capacity building and skill enhancement initiatives (including language and communication skill)

5.1.2   Capacity building and skill enhancement initiatives (including life skill)

5.1.2   Capacity building and skill enhancement initiatives (including ICT and computing skill)

5.1.3   Guidance for competitive examination and career counselling offered by the institution

5.1.3   Report of Career counselling programme (2022-23)

5.1.3   Report of Career counselling programme (2021-22)

5.1.3   Report of Career counselling programme (2019-20)

5.1.3   Report of Career counselling programme (2018-19)

5.1.4   Guidelines for anti-ragging committee

5.1.4   Guidelines for Grievance redressal cell

5.1.4   Proof for Implementation of guidelines of statutory/ regulatory bodies

5.1.4   Annual report of the committee

5.2.1    Details of outgoing students placed and progressed to higher education

5.3.2   Participation of students of the institution in Cultural programmes

5.3.2   Report of Sports & Cultural Programmes for 2020-21

5.3.2   Report of Sports & Cultural Programmes for 2021-22

5.3.2   Report of Sports & Cultural Programmes for 2022-23

5.3.2   Report of Sports & Cultural Programmes for 2019-20

5.3.2   Report of Sports & Cultural Programmes for 2018-19

5.4.1   Alumni Contribution

Criterion 6- Governance, Leadership and Management

6.1.1   Vision and Mission of the institution

6.1.1   Perspective Plan of institution

6.1.1   Constitution of CDC

6.1.1   Lists of College Committees

6.1.1    Decentralization and participation in the institutional governance

6.2.1    Institutional strategic /perspective /development plan

6.2.1   Minutes of IQAC meetings

6.2.1   Mentor- Mentee scheme

6.2.2   e-governance in Administration

6.2.2   e-governance in Finance and Accounts

6.2.2   e-governance in student admission and support

6.2.2   e-governance in Examination

6.2.2   Policy document on e-governance

6.3.1    Institutional welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff

6.3.2   List of teachers receiving financial support to attend conference/workshop duly signed by the Principal

6.3.2   Policy document on providing financial support to teachers

6.4.1    Funds received from various sources

6.5.1    Constitution of IQAC

6.5.1   Yearly Examination schedules

6.5.1   Monthly syllabus status report

6.5.1   Programmes organized by College Committees

Criterion 7-Institutional Values and Best Practices

7.1.1    Initiatives by the institution for promotion of gender equity

7.1.1    Facilities for women on the campus

7.1.1    Initiatives by the institution to celebrate national / international commemorative days, events & festivals

7.1.2    Policy document on green campus

7.1.2    Expenditure on green campus initiative

7.1.2    Geotagged photographs of green campus

7.1.2    Initiatives by the institution for Green campus initiatives

7.1.2    Policy document for person with disabilities

7.1.3    Policy document on Environment and Energy usage

7.1.3   Beyond the campus environmental promotion and sustainability activities

7.1.4    Institutional initiatives in providing an inclusive environment

7.1.4    Initiatives in providing tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional and linguistic diversity

7.1.4    Initiatives in providing tolerance and harmony towards communal socioeconomic diversity

7.1.4    Sensitization of students and employees to the constitutional obligations

7.2.1    Best practices successfully implemented by the institution

7.2.1    Progressive increase in student’s count of the institution

7.2.1    Report of the donation drive activity on occasion of Diwali festival

7.3.1    Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust