
M. B. More Foundation’s Arts, Commerce & Science Women College is present at the Ground floor and First floor of the building of Hon. Pandurang shastri Aathavle Ayodyogik Vidyalaya in Dhatav premises. Our Management has provided extensive infrastructure for the College purpose and numerous resources for learning. The Ground and First floor of the building constitute 36 rooms that are used for various purposes. Our Management have also constructed a wide Auditorium for the multiple activities of College as well as School.

  • Campus : Two plots from Dhatav premises comprising about 10,526 have been provided by the Management for educational purpose. There is beautiful, well maintained garden at the main gate of College that adds glory to the campus. A wide playground behind the building and the Kundalika river beyond it enhances the uniqueness of institute.
  • Class rooms : For College purpose about 9 Class rooms are provided on both floors. These rooms are spacious, well ventilated and are equipped with teaching aids such as desks, benches, white board, marker kit, educational charts and models.
  • Laboratories : There are separate laboratories for each subject such as Chemistry (Instrumental), Chemistry (Non-Instrumental), Botany, Zoology / Physics in our institute. All of them are equipped with sophisticated instruments which are well maintained. Safety in each laboratory is taken care of at a high priority. Our Management has appointed one Laboratory Assistant and an attendant for its maintenance.
  • Seminar Hall : One wide room with adequate capacity have been provided for College use at the Ground floor of the building. This room equipped with a projector screen, Canon projector and laptop. Our teachers took number of Sessions regularly on projector for enhanced delivery of curriculum.
  • Library : The College maintains a well stocked library with about 5000 books which includes textbooks, reference, magazines and about 6 newspapers. Our Management had appointed a Librarian for its maintenance. The library stock has proposed to register on software in the next academic year. There is a separate reading section provided for teachers and students.
  • Play ground : About 2000 sq. mt. wide playground behind the College which is an ideal one. Our College have provided separate kit to the students for outdoor and indoor games. The incharge of Sports committee keeps an update of students’ practices and even about the maintenance of sports material as well as playground.
  • I.C.T. Lab : One Room equipped with 25 Computers and internet facility have been provided by our College for students as well as Staff through which users are introduce to the world of unlimited stock of knowledge and innovative concepts. This laboratory is open for College members who have provided login for their use. The responsibility of its maintenance have been given to one of the staff member.