The main objective of academic committees is to oversee the academic affairs of the college and make recommendations to the Principal about academic programs and strategic priorities. The members of the committees sit together at regular intervals of time to develop the ways and means to ensure that quality teaching-learning process should remain the topmost priority. These Committees also formulates the guidelines, rules and regulations of all Academic affairs of the College.


  1. Members of the committee give their suggestions and directions for the smooth running of the college in academic aspect.
  2. Review the academic and other related activities of the college.
  3. Review the students and faculty development programs.
  4. Visualize and formulate perspective plans for the development and growth of the college.
  5. Prepare and review Academics Calendar and Class Routine for the college.
  6. Review and update the College Prospectus.
  7. Draft Concise Leave Rule for the teaching and non-teaching staff of the College.
  8. Decide the introduction of Students Uniform in the College.
  9. Promote research and extension activities in the college campus.
  10. Plan for sustaining the quality of education, quality improvement and accreditation of the college.
  11. Keep vigilance on the attendance of teachers and regularity in taking the classes.
  12. Review student’s attendance/malpractices in examinations.
  13. Oversee the internal examinations/evaluation/recording.
  14. Take disciplinary action to the students for violation and disobedience to the college rule.