Department - History

PO’s, PSO’s, CO’s

Program Outcomes (PO’s)

Student seeking admission for B.A. programme are expected to imbue with following quality which help them in their future life to achieve the expected goals.

  1. Realization of human values.
  2. Sense of social service.
  3. Responsible and dutiful citizen.
  4. Critical temper.
  5. Creative ability.
Programme Specific Outcomes

On Completion of the B.A .(History) Students shall be able to:

  1. Study the history of India (specially making of modern India and the struggle for independence) and landmarks in world history.
  2. Understand the facts, chronology and the scope of Indian History.
  3. Enable the students to understand the political, socio-economic and cultural developments in the period under study.
  4. Have accurate knowledge of the most significant events and personalities of the period under study and encourage understanding of the making of the modern world.
  5. Understand background of our religion, customs institutions, administration and so on.
  6. Understand the present existing social, political, religious and economic conditions of the people.
  7. Analyze relationship between the past and the present is lively presented in the history.
  8. Develop practical skills helpful in the study and understanding of historical events.
    1. Draw and read historical maps, charts, diagrams etc.
    2. Prepare historical models, tools etc.
    3. Develop interests in the study of history and activities relating to history.
    4. Collect ancient arts, old coins and other historical materials.
    5. Participate in historical drama and historical occasions.
    6. Visit places of historical interests, archaeological sites, museums and archives.
    7. Play active roles in activities of the historical organizations and associations.
    8. Write articles on historical topics.
Course Outcomes :
Sr. No Course Outcome
FYBA History  
History of Modern India (1857-1947) Semester – I The course is designed to make the student aware about the making of modern India and the struggle for independence aware about the making of modern India and the struggle for independence.
History of Modern India: Society and Economy. Semester – II
SYBA History  
Paper - II Landmarks in World History, 1300 A.D.-1945 A.D. SEMESTER–III & IV To enable the students to comprehend the transition of Europe from medieval to modern times and its impact on the world. To provide accurate knowledge of the most significant events and personalities of the period under study and encourage understanding of the making of the modern world.
Paper - III Ancient India from Earliest Times to 1000 A.D. SEMESTER–III & IV To acquaint the students with different sources of Ancient Indian History. To enable the students to understand the political, socio-economic and cultural developments in the period under study and appreciate the rich cultural heritage in India.
TYBA History  
History of Medieval India (1000 CE – 1526 CE) Semester – V To acquaint the students with the history of early Medieval India that laid the foundation of the Sultanate in India. To study the contribution of Vijayanagar and Bahamani kingdoms to Medieval Indian History. To examine the administrative, socio-economic and cultural aspects of Medieval India.
History of Modern Maharashtra (1818 CE-1960 CE) Semester – V To acquaint students with regional history. To understand political and socio-economic developments during the 19th and 20th centuries. To create understanding of the movement that led to the formation of Maharashtra.
History: History of the Marathas (1630 CE-1707 CE) Semester – V To introduce the students to the regional history of Maharashtra. To familiarize students with the literary sources of the history of the Marathas. To help students to understand the forces leading to the establishment of Maratha power under Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
History: History of Contemporary world (1945 CE-2000 CE) Semester – V To understand the process of making the Constitution and the Integration and Reorganization of Indian States. To acquaint the students with the political developments in India after Independence. To comprehend the socio-economic changes and progress in science and technology in India.
Elective courses  
History: Research Methodology and Sources of History. Semester – V To teach students basics of research methodology in history with a view to promote historical research. To understand the various kinds of sources of history and its interpretation. To acquaint students with the new trends and approaches in history writing.
History: Introduction to Archaeology Semester – V To understand the basic facets of Archaeology.To evaluate the importance of Epigraphy.To study the importance of Numismatics as an important source of history.
TYBA History  
History: History of Medieval India (1526 CE – 1707 CE) Semester – VI To acquaint the students with the history of India since the emergence of the Mughal rule. To understand administration of the Mughal Empire. To study the rise of the Maratha Power.
History: History of Contemporary India (1947 CE- 2000 CE) Semester – VI To understand the process of making the Constitution and the Integration and Reorganization of Indian States. To acquaint the students with the political developments in India after Independence. To comprehend the socio-economic changes and progress in science and technology in India.
History: History of the Marathas (1707 CE – 1818 CE) Semester – VI To enable the students to understand the processes that led to the expansion of the Maratha Power. To appreciate the contribution of the Marathas in the national politics of the 18th century. To develop an understanding of the society and culture in Maharashtra in the 18th century.
History: History of Asia (1945 CE-2000 CE) Semester – VI To acquaint the students with some of the major changes that occurred in Asia after World War II. To understand the ways in which Asian nations resisted and defied the control of the West. To comprehend some of the trends that emerged in Asia.
Elective courses  
History: Research Methodology and Sources of History Semester – VI To teach students basics of research methodology in history with a view to promote historical research. To understand the various kinds of sources of history and its interpretation. To acquaint students with the new trends and approaches in history writing.
History: Introduction to Museology and Archival Science Semester – VI To inform the students about the role of Museums in the preservation of Heritage. To understand the importance of Archival Science in the study of History. To encourage students to pursue careers in various Museums and Archives in India and abroad.
Mechanism of Communication of PSOs and COs

The Programme Specific Outcomes and the Course Outcomes of BA in History programmes is communicated to the students and teachers by :

  1. Placing them in college website.
  2. Displaying them on the notice boards in the department classrooms at the beginning of the academic year.
  3. Discussing them (module wise) during the syllabus presentation (PPT) at the beginning of each semester.