Student Scholarships

Department Name : VJNT, OBC & SBC Welfare Department

1) Post Matric Scholarship to SBC Students.
Eligibility :
  • The parents/Guardians annual Income should be less than or equal to Rs.1.00 Lac.
  • Applicants must be belongs to SBC category.
  • Applicants should be residents of Maharashtra.
  • Applicants must be pursuing the education course approved by the government from class Post-Matric.
  • If Applicant fails in particular year then he will get the Tuition Fees, Exam Fees and Maintenance allowance of that particular academic year but he/she will not get the benefit until he/she gets promoted to next higher class.
  • Applicant should be come through CAP round for only professional courses.
  • Only two children (i)any number of girls applicants allowed. ii) boys applicants maximum 2 of the same parent will be eligible for the Scholarship.
  • No scholarship will be paid to the Applicants under this scheme from the date he /she accepts another Scholarship / stipend.
  • 75 % attendance is mandatory for current year.
  • Applicant will be eligible for scholarship if he / she changes the course Non – Professional to Professional but he will not be eligible if he / she changes the course from Professional to Non – Professional.
  • Scholarships/freeship will continue until Applicant completes one course. Ex. - 11th, 12th Arts - B.A., M.A. , M.Phil., P.H.D. If, Applicant completed B.A and B.Ed. course and later after taking admission for M.A., for M.A. course He/she will not be allowed for scholarship/freeship. But after admission to M.B.A. after B.Ed, it can be eligible for scholarship/freeship as it is a professional postgraduate course.
  • Applicant studying in particular professional/Non-Professional course, and availing benefits of scholarship/freeship for that academic course and if he/she wants to change his existing Professional/Non-Professional course in between academic years he/she will not be eligible for freeship/scholarship for further course.
Documents Required :
  • Caste certificate - should be issued by competent authority(Issued by Govt. of Maharashtra) This certificate considered as Proof of Resident.
  • Income certificate / Income Declaration - should be issued by competent authority.
  • Caste Validity Certificate – (Mandatory for Professional Degree courses, Professional Post Graduate. For Non Professional courses caste validity is not mandatory).
  • HSC or SSC marksheet or last examination marksheet.
  • Gap certificate - Not mandatory but in case of gap it is mandatory.
  • If applicable father/Guardians death certificate.
  • Ration Card for identify number of children in family.
  • Leaving Certificate.
  • Declaration certificate of parents/guardians about number of children beneficiaries.
2) Tuition Fees and Examination Fees to SBC Students.
Eligibility :
  • Applicant must be taking post matric education.
  • Parent’s annual income should be less than or equal to 8.00 Lacs.
  • Applicant should be belongs to SBC Category.
  • Applicants must be residents of Maharashtra.
  • Applicants must be pursuing the education course approved by the government for Post Matric courses.
  • Applicant should be taken admission in government government aided / Private Non-Aided / private permanently non aided courses.
  • Scholarships/freeship will continue until Applicant completes one course. Ex. - 11th, 12th Arts - B.A., M.A. , M.Phil., P.H.D. If, Applicant completed B.A and B.Ed. course and later after taking admission for M.A., for M.A. course He/she will not be allowed for scholarship/freeship. But after admission to M.B.A. after B.Ed, it can be eligible for scholarship/freeship as it is a professional postgraduate course.
Documents Required :
  • Caste certificate- should be issued by competent authority.
  • Income certificate- should be issued by competent authority.
  • HSC or SSC marksheet or last examination marksheet.
  • Gap certificate - Not mandatory but in case of gap it is mandatory.
  • Declaration certificate of parents/guardians about number of children beneficiaries.
  • If applicable father death certificate.
  • CAP Allotment Letter (For Professional Courses).
  • Caste Validity Certificate (For Professional Courses As Per GR Dated 31st July 2008) Exempted Professional courses to be identified.
  • Leaving Certificate.
  • Ration card for identify number of children’s in family.