Department - Geography

PO’s, PSO’s, CO’s

Student seeking admission for B.A. programme are expected to imbue with following quality which help them in their future life to achieve the expected goals.
  1. Realization of human values.
  2. Sense of social service.
  3. Responsible and dutiful citizen.
  4. Critical temper.
  5. Creative ability.
Programme Specific Outcomes

On Completion of the B.A. (Geography) Students shall be able to:

  1. Demonstrating the understanding of basic concepts in geography.
  2. Getting the ability to communicate geographic information utilizing both lecture and practical exercises.
  3. Demonstrating the coherent and systematic knowledge in the discipline of geography to deal with current issues and their solution.
  4. Display an ability to read and understand maps and topographic sheets to look at the various aspects on the space.
  5. Exhibit the skill in using geographical research tools including spatial statistics, cartography, remote sensing, GIS, IRNSS and GIScience.
  6. Cultivate ability to evaluate critically the wider chain of network of spatial aspects from global to local level on various time scales as well.
Course Outcomes :
Sr. No Class Course Course Outcomes (COs)
1 FYBA Geography - I
  1. Introduction to Human Geography : Population,Settlements & Migration
  2. Brief information about fundamentals of Environmental Geography
  3. Understanding the functions and Classification of Ecosystems
  4. To aware about Environmental Issues, Natural Resources And Biodiversity
2 SYBA Geography – II
  1. To acquaint student with the location, administrative and physical environment of Maharashtra and India
  2. To understand the distribution of physical and man-made environment in Maharashtra and India.
  3. To assess various resources found in Maharashtra
  4. To acquaint students with different cartographic skills such as map reading and map-filling.
3 SYBA Geography - III
  1. To acquaint students with the importance of agriculture in human civilization, physical and human factors affecting agriculture
  2. To study the issues related with agriculture and suggest remedial measures to overcome them.
  3. To know the nature, scope of Tourism, recent trends Geography
  4. To realize the role of infrastructure and travel agency in tourism development
  5. To know the policies of tourism and places of tourist interest in India and Maharashtra and thematic maps of India to analyse tourism related information
4 TYBA (Sem V) Geography- IV (Introduction to Geomorphology)
  1. Student shall be able to define the field of Geomorphology and to explain the essential principles of Geomorphology.
  2. Students shall be able to know the mechanism of dynamic nature of earth’s surface and its interior.
  3. Students shall be able to illustrate and explain the forces affecting the crust of the earth and its effect.
  4. Students shall be able to understand the conceptual and dynamic aspects of landform
5 TYBA (Sem V) Geography-V (Geography of Rural Settlement)
  1. Student shall be able to recognize definitions, scope, characteristics and importance of rural settlement.
  2. Student shall be able to describe origin, growth, characteristics, distribution, structure and rural urban fringe of rural settlement.
  3. Student shall able to analyses distribution of settlements of India.
6 TYBA (Sem V) Geography –VI (Tools and techniques in geography for spatial analysis-I)
  1. Student shall be able to understand and prepare different kinds of maps.
  2. Student shall able to recognize basic themes of map making.
  3. Development of observation skills.
7 TYBA (Sem VI) Geography-IV (Introduction to Climatology and Oceanography)
  1. Student shall be able to understand the importance of atmosphere and ocean.
  2. Student shall be able to know measurements of atmosphere pressure and formation of pressure belts.
  3. Student shall be able to understand weather phenomenon like winds, humidity, condensation and precipitation.
  4. Student shall be able to get knowledge about the concept of cyclone, anti-cyclone, global warming and climate change.
  5. Student shall be able to know about the major oceans and their characteristics.
  6. Student shall be able to understand the bottom relief of the oceans.
  7. Student shall be able get knowledge about the concept of waves, tides and currents.
8 TYBA (Sem VI) Geography- V (Geography of Urban Settlement)
  1. Student shall be able to know the importance of urban settlement through urban geography.
  2. Student shall be able to understand the types of urban settlements, site and situations.
  3. Student shall be able to familiar with an idea of relationship between human activities and urban development./li>
  4. Student shall be able to understand present urban problems and shall be capable to handling present problematic situations in urban areas.
  5. Student shall be able to develop as a good urban planner and environmental conservator.
9 TYBA (Sem VI) Geography –VI (Tools and techniques in geography for spatial analysis-I)
  1. Student shall be able to learn the significance of statistics in geography and understand the importance of use of data in geography.
  2. Student shall able to recognize the importance and application of statistics in Geography.
  3. Student shall be able to interpret statistical data for a holistic understanding of geographical phenomena and know about different types of sampling.
  4. Student shall be able to develop an idea about theoretical distribution.
  5. Student shall be able to learn how to use tabulation of data.
  6. Student shall be able to gain knowledge about association and correlation.
Mechanism of Communication of PSOs and COs

The Programme Specific Outcomes and the Course Outcomes of BA in History programmes is communicated to the students and teachers by :

  1. Placing them in college website.
  2. Displaying them on the notice boards in the department classrooms at the beginning of the academic year.
  3. Discussing them (module wise) during the syllabus presentation (PPT) at the beginning of each semester.