Department - Chemistry

PO’s, PSO’s, CO’s

Program Outcomes (PO’s)

At the graduation in science faculty a student should have :

  1. Acquire the knowledge with facts and figures related to various subjects in pure sciences such as Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Mathematics, etc.
  2. Understood the basic concepts, fundamental principles, and the scientific theories related to various scientific phenomena and their relevancies in the day-to-day life.
  3. Acquire the skills in handling scientific instruments, planning and performing in laboratory experiments.
  4. The skills of observations and drawing logical inferences from the scientific experiments.
  5. Analyzed the given scientific data critically and systematically and the ability to draw the objective conclusions.
  6. Been able to think creatively (divergently and convergent) to propose novel ideas in explaining facts and figures or providing new solution to the problems.
  7. Realized how developments in any science subject helps in the development of other science subjects and vice-versa and how interdisciplinary approach helps in providing better solutions and new ideas for the sustainable developments.
  8. Developed scientific outlook not only with respect to science subjects but also in all aspects related to life.
  9. Realized that knowledge of subjects in other faculties such as humanities, performing arts, social sciences etc. can have greatly and effectively influence which inspires in evolving new scientific theories and inventions.
  10. Imbibed ethical, moral and social values in personal and social life leading to highly cultured and civilized personality.
  11. Developed various communication skills such as reading, listening, speaking, etc., which we will help in expressing ideas and views clearly and effectively.
  12. Realized that pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong activity and in combination with untiring efforts and positive attitude and other necessary qualities leads towards a successful life.
  13. Developed flair by participating in various social and cultural activities voluntarily, in order to spread knowledge, creating awareness about the social evils, blind faith, etc.
Programme Specific Outcomes

At the completion of B. Sc. in Chemistry the students are able to:

  1. Provide a broad foundation in chemistry that stresses scientific reasoning and Analytical problem solving with a molecular perspective.
  2. Achieve the skills required to succeed in graduate school, the chemical industry and professional school.
  3. Get exposures of a breadth of experimental techniques using modern instrumentation.
  4. Understand the importance of the Periodic Table of the Elements, how it came to be, and its role in organizing chemical information.
  5. Understand the interdisciplinary nature of chemistry and to integrate knowledge of mathematics, physics and other disciplines to a wide variety of chemical problems.
  6. Learn the laboratory skills needed to design, safely and interpret chemical research.
  7. Acquire a foundation of chemistry of sufficient breadth and the depth to enable them to understand and critically interpret the primary chemical literature.
  8. Develop the ability to communicate scientific information and research results in written and oral formats.
  9. Learn professionalism, including the ability to work in teams and apply basic ethical principles.
Course Outcomes :
Sr. No Course Outcome
Paper-I (General Chemistry) Semester IUSCH101

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Understand different concepts, terms & importance of thermodynamics.
  2. Express the concentrations of solutions and interconversion of different units of concentration.
  3. Significance of different theories of atomic structure.
  4. Classify elements from periodic table according to their position & their chemical / physical properties.
  5. Name the organic compounds using IUPAC system.
  6. Understand of hybridization concept in explaining structure & bonding in organic compounds.
  7. Understand the fundamentals of organic reaction mechanism.
Paper-II (General Chemistry) Semester I USCH102

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Determine the order of chemical reaction.
  2. Understand the characteristic properties of liquid state & their experimental measurement.
  3. Compare characteristics of main group elements.
  4. Draw projection formulae of stereoisomers as well as their types.
Paper-I (General Chemistry) Semester II USCH201

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Understand theories regarding gaseous state of matter and concept of equilibrium.
  2. Distinguish reversible and irreversible reactions.
  3. Examine gaseous evolutes in laboratory and study different factors affecting precipitation.
  4. Characterize hydrocarbons of the type – alkane, alkene & alkyne based on their unique reactions.
Paper-II (General Chemistry) Semester II USCH202

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Apply different measures to classify electrolytes as strong, moderate and weak.
  2. Overview the basics in spectroscopy and solid state chemistry.
  3. Widen his/ her knowledge about the chemical bonding.
  4. Balance redox equations and study applications of redox chemistry.
  5. Understand conformational analysis of cycloalkane and electrophilic substitution reactions in aromatic compounds.
Paper-I (General Chemistry) Semester III USCH301

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Discuss free energy functions, Gibbs-Helmholtz equation, Gibbs-Duhem equation, partial molal properties in thermodynamics.
  2. Summarize conductivity of electrolytes and conductance measurement.
  3. Compare directional and non-directional bonding in chemical compounds.
  4. Apply LCAO technique to homonuclear diatomic molecules and molecular ions.
  5. Compare the reactivity of halogenated hydrocarbons.
  6. Understand the nature of organometallic compounds, alcohols, phenols & epoxides.
Paper-II (General Chemistry) Semester III USCH302

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Predict the effect of temperature on reaction rate.
  2. Discuss the Raoult’s law and Nernst’s distribution law.
  3. Compare chemistry of Group 13, 14 and 15 elements.
  4. Understand synthetic applications of carbonyl compounds.
Paper-III (Basics of Analytical Chemistry) Semester III USCH303

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Describe the role of analytical chemistry in chemical analysis.
  2. Apply different methods of sampling & determine the errors in measurement.
  3. Appreciate the role of titrimetric & gravimetric methods of analysis.
  4. Know the advantages of using instruments to make measurement.
  5. Appreciate the basic terms in spectroscopy.
Paper-I (General Chemistry) Semester IV USCH401

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Distinguish between thermodynamics of reversible and irreversible cells.
  2. Draw phase diagrams of one / two component systems.
  3. Compare chemistry of transition metals.
  4. Describe the basic terms, theories and applications of coordination compounds.
  5. Examine the reactivity of carboxylic and sulphonic acids.
Paper-II (General Chemistry) Semester IV USCH402

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Characterize SC, BCC & FCC lattices.
  2. Describe the use of X-ray in study of crystal structure.
  3. Understand types, mechanism and kinetics of different catalyzed reactions.
  4. Design the behavior of ions I n aqueous medium.
  5. Demonstrate importance of environmental chemistry.
  6. Appreciate reactivity of nitrogen containing compounds & heterocyclic compounds.
  7. Prepare & use diazonium salts.
Paper-III (Basics of Analytical Chemistry) Semester IV USCH403

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Select a method of separation for an analyte in sample treatment.
  2. Describe the nature of interactions between applied electric potential and the concentration of analyte.
  3. Understand the role of statistical methods in chemical analysis.
  4. Test the rejection of doubtful results.
Paper-I (Physical Chemistry) Semester V USCH501

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Carry out structure determination based on rotational spectrum, vibrational spectrum & Raman spectrum.
  2. Discuss the colligative properties of solutions.
  3. Apply collision theory to unimolecular and bimolecular reactions.
  4. Describe the applications of nuclear chemistry and surface chemistry.
  5. Understand electrical properties & applications of colloids.
Paper-II (Inorganic Chemistry) Semester V USCH502

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Explain the importance of symmetry elements & symmetry operations in chemistry.
  2. Apply Molecular orbital theory (MOT) to heteronuclear diatomic molecules and polyatomic species.
  3. Demonstrate the significance of defects in solids and superconductivity.
  4. Illustrate the chemistry of lanthanides, chalcogens and halogens.
  5. Explain the importance of non-aqueous solvents in chemical analysis.
Paper-III (Organic Chemistry) Semester V USCH503

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Classify different Nucleophilic substitutions in organic reaction.
  2. Study aspects of Photochemical reactions & pericyclic reactions.
  3. Elaborate the scope of agrochemicals.
  4. Understand the reactivity of few nitrogen containing heterocycles.
  5. name bicyclic, biphenyls and cumulenes using IUPAC.
  6. apply the principles of Green chemistry.
  7. predict the molecular structure from UV-visible spectra and Mass spectrum.
  8. Utilise the chemistry of different natural products.
Paper-IV (Analytical Chemistry) Semester V USCH504

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Describe the importance of quality concept in industry.
  2. Interconvert different units of concentration.
  3. Carry out sampling of solid, liquid and gaseous samples.
  4. Acquire theoretical knowledge about redox and Complexometric titrations.
  5. Demonstrate principle, instrumentation and applications of various optical methods.
  6. Summarize aspects of important separation methods.
Applied component (Drugs & dyes) Semester V USACDD501

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Understand important terms regarding drugs, routes of administration & dosage forms of drugs
  2. Acquire theoretical knowledge about Analgesic, anti-pyretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-histaminic, cardiovascular, anti-diabetic, anti-parkinsonism agents and drugs for respiratory system
  3. Summarize basics of dye-stuff industry
  4. Carry out preparation different dye intermediates
Paper-I (Physical Chemistry) Semester VI USCH601

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Classify chemical cells and concentration cells.
  2. Distinguish different kinds of polymers & their molar mass determination methods.
  3. Summarize the basics of quantum mechanics.
  4. explain the importance of renewable energy resources.
  5. Describe principle and instrumentation of NMR & ESR spectroscopy.
Paper-II (Inorganic Chemistry) Semester VI USCH602

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Summarize the nature of metal-ligand bond based on CFT and MOT.
  2. Explain the synthesis and reactions of organometallic compounds.
  3. Elaborate the types of catalysis .
  4. Describe the steps in metallurgy.
  5. Discuss the chemistry of group 18 elements.
Paper-III (Organic Chemistry) Semester VI USCH603

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Illustrate the stereochemistry in addition, elimination & substitution reactions
  2. Demonstrate the chemistry of Amino acids & proteins.
  3. Understand mechanisms of few rearrangement type of reactions.
  4. Types, structures and stereochemistry of carbohydrates.
  5. Relate molecular structure with IR and PMR spectrum.
  6. Explain types, stereochemistry and applications of polymers.
  7. Elaborate the importance of reagents and catalysts in organic reactions.
Paper-IV (Analytical Chemistry) Semester VI USCH604

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Demonstrate principle and applications of few important voltametric techniques.
  2. Understand the importance of GC and Ion exchange chromatography in separation of mixtures.
  3. Explain the methods of food preservation, food analysis and analysis of cosmetics.
  4. Compare different thermal methods.
  5. Utilize the technique of method validation.
Applied component (Drugs & dyes) Semester VI USACDD601

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Explain the drug development and relation between structure and potency of drug molecules.
  2. Summarize theoretical knowledge about Anti-biotic, anti-viral, anti-malarials, anthelmintics, anti-fungal anti-amoebic, anti-tubercular, anti-leprotic, anti-neoplastic and anti-HIV drugs.
  3. Synthesize the drug intermediates.
  4. Demonstrate the importance of nano particles in medicinal chemistry.
  5. Utilize environmental aspects of drugs.
Mechanism of Communication of PSOs and COs

The Programme Specific Outcomes and the Course Outcomes of BA in History programmes is communicated to the students and teachers by :

  1. Placing them in college website.
  2. Displaying them on the notice boards in the department classrooms at the beginning of the academic year.
  3. Discussing them (module wise) during the syllabus presentation (PPT) at the beginning of each semester.