Department - Botany

About the Department

Program Outcomes (PO’s)

At the graduation in science faculty a student should have :

  1. Acquire the knowledge with facts and figures related to various subjects in pure sciences such as Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Mathematics, etc.
  2. Understood the basic concepts, fundamental principles, and the scientific theories related to various scientific phenomena and their relevancies in the day-to-day life.
  3. Acquire the skills in handling scientific instruments, planning and performing in laboratory experiments.
  4. The skills of observations and drawing logical inferences from the scientific experiments.
  5. Analyzed the given scientific data critically and systematically and the ability to draw the objective conclusions.
  6. Been able to think creatively (divergently and convergent) to propose novel ideas in explaining facts and figures or providing new solution to the problems.
  7. Realized how developments in any science subject helps in the development of other science subjects and vice-versa and how interdisciplinary approach helps in providing better solutions and new ideas for the sustainable developments.
  8. Developed scientific outlook not only with respect to science subjects but also in all aspects related to life.
  9. Realized that knowledge of subjects in other faculties such as humanities, performing arts, social sciences etc. can have greatly and effectively influence which inspires in evolving new scientific theories and inventions.
  10. Imbibed ethical, moral and social values in personal and social life leading to highly cultured and civilized personality.
  11. Developed various communication skills such as reading, listening, speaking, etc., which we will help in expressing ideas and views clearly and effectively.
  12. Realized that pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong activity and in combination with untiring efforts and positive attitude and other necessary qualities leads towards a successful life.
  13. Developed flair by participating in various social and cultural activities voluntarily, in order to spread knowledge, creating awareness about the social evils, blind faith, etc.
Programme Specific Outcomes

At the completion of B. Sc. in Botany the students are able to:

  1. To recognize and identify major groups of non-vascular and vascular plants and their phylogenetic relationships.
  2. To understand the phylogeny of plants and study various systems of classification.
  3. To explore the morphological, anatomical, embryological details as well as economic importance of algae, fungi, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms.
  4. To understand physiological processes and adaptations of plants.
  5. To provide knowledge about environmental factors and natural resources and their importance in sustainable development.
  6. To be able to carry out phytochemical analysis of plant extracts and application of the isolated compounds for treatment of diseases.
  7. To be able to deal with all microbes and the technologies for their effective uses in industry and mitigation of environmental concerns.
  8. To explain how current medicinal practices are often based on indigenous plant knowledge and to get introduced to different perspectives on treating ailments according to ethnomedicinal principles.
  9. To understand patterns of heredity and variation among individuals, species and populations and apply principles for improvement of quality and yield.
  10. To be able to apply statistical tools to gain insights into significantly different data from different sources.
  11. To acquire recently published knowledge in molecular biology, such as rDNA technology; PTC and bioinformatics and their applications.
Course Outcomes :
Sr. No Course Outcome
Paper- I : Plant Diversity- I, Semester- I

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Demonstrate the life cycle and systematic position of Nostoc & spirogyra.
  2. Know the ecological importance of algae.
  3. Compare algae and fungi on the basis of mode of nutrition.
  4. Explain the characters of bryophyte with example of ficcia.
Paper – II : Form & Function-I, Semester I

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Illustrate the structure and functions of all microbodies in plant cell.
  2. Understand ecology, energy pyramids and energy flow in ecosystem.
  3. Summarize the types of ecosystems like aquatic and terrestrial.
  4. Distinguish between genotypes and phenotypes as well as between epistatic and non-epistatic interactions.
Paper- I : Plant Diversity- I, Semester- II

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Summarize life cycle, classification of pteridophytes with stellar evolution.
  2. Know the economical importance of Cycas and gymnosperms.
  3. Elaborate the morphological characters of angiospermic plants.
  4. Elaborate the detail study of families such as Malvaceae and Amaryllidaceae.
Paper – II : Form & Function-I, Semester II

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Elaborate the anatomy of plant tissue, root, stem and leaf.
  2. Summarize different aspects of photosynthesis.
  3. Distinguish between primary and secondary metabolites.
  4. Understand the medicinal importance of few well-known herbal plants from Grandma’s pouch.
Paper- I : Plant Diversity- II, Semester- III

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Understand general characters of dixision Phaemophyta and Class Anthocerotae, with their example- Sargassum ( Algae), Anthoceros and funaria ( Bryophyta).
  2. Understand their habit & habitat.
  3. Demonstrate the difference between Algae & Bryophyta.
  4. Summarize the systematic, objective and Nomemclature of plant.
  5. Classify different families of plants.
  6. Apply the Bentham & Hooker’s system of classification.
  7. Utilize the Dry and wet method of preservation.
  8. Know the new technology means modern tech, like light & electron microscope, paper chromatography, Horizontal & vertical electrophoresis.
Paper – II : Form & Function-II, Semester III

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Understands ultra structure & Function of cell & cell organelles like Mitochondria, peroxisomes, Glyoxysomes and Ribose.
  2. Distinguish between prokaryote and Eukaryotic cell & Nucleus. Mitosis & Meiosis.
  3. Summarize types, structure & function of Nucleic acid like DNA and RNA.
  4. Demonstrate human chromosome and types of chromosome like delets on, duplication, inversion and Translocation.
  5. Explain sex determination, sex linked sex influenced & sex limited traits.
  6. Understand DNA replication distinguish mode of replication in prokaryotes & Eukaryotes.
  7. Demonstrate the protein synthesis.
Paper – III : Current Trends in Plant Sci - I, Semester III

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Compare pharmacopoeia, Indian pharmacopoeia, Indian Herbal pharmacopoeia and Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia.
  2. Summarize metaboliles their uses, sources, properties and adulterants of saraca asoca – Polyaltnia longifolio Terminalla arjuna- Terminalia tomentosa.
  3. Understand the types of Indian forest their location vegetation.
  4. Aware of climatic condition of India according to plant vegetation in different state.
  5. Understand the significant characters of Fibers like silk & cotton & condiments like saffron & cardamoms.
  6. Understand Aromatheraphy ( like Indian Aromatherophy).
  7. Illustrate the role & importance of enzyme industry- Cellulasen, Papain, Bromelain.
  8. Explain the applications of Bio Fuels.
Paper- I : Plant Diversity- II, Semester- IV

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Utilize plant pathology, different types of plant diseases, their symptoms, and causative organism, cycle and control measures.
  2. Summarize classification, structure, method of reproduction in lichens.
  3. Aware of ecology & economical importance of lichens to environment and human being.
  4. Demonstrate salient features & classification of order Psilophyta & Lepidophyta with help of G.M.Smith classification.
  5. Review past plant in Paleobotany, geological time scale, formation of fossils etc.
  6. Understand how the evolution take place in plant from algae to angiosperm.
  7. Apply classification of gymnosperms, with help of chamberlain’s system of classification.
  8. Distinguish living & non-living species of gymnosperms ex. Pinus & cordaites.
Paper – II : Form & Function-II, Semester IV

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Know normal secondary growth in dicotyledonus stem & root also growth rings, periderm, lenticles, tyloses, heart wood, sap wood.
  2. Utilize mechanical tissue system in plant and types of vascular bundles.
  3. Compare aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration.
  4. Illustrate the phenomenon such as photoperiodism and vernalization.
  5. Demonstrate the importance of Carbon, nitrogen and water cycles.
  6. Elaborate the Ecological factors, soil composition, types of soil formation and soil profile.
  7. Understand quantitative and qualitative characters of community.
Paper – III : Current Trends in Plant Sci- I, Semester IV

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Summarize the branches of horticulture.
  2. Aware of location in gardens like edges, hedges, lawn, flower beds.
  3. Distinguish between formal & informal garden.
  4. Aware of national park & botanical garden in India.
  5. Understand biotechnological process in plant tissue culture, totipotency organogensis, organ culture like root culture, meristem culture, embryo culture, gene cloning and vector.
  6. Apply chi-square test, coefficient of correlation.
  7. Learn information technology, aims & objective of bioinformatics, data organization, tools of bioinformatics & blast.
  8. Know bioinformatics programme in India.
Paper I : Plant Diversity III, Semester V

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. To gain knowledge about microbial diversity and techniques for culturing and visualization.
  2. To understand the salient features of three major groups of algae, their life cycle patterns with a suitable example; to be able to identify them.
  3. To learn the general characteristics and classification of two major groups of fungi along with life cycles of each group; to be able to identify them.
  4. To understand the scope and importance of Plant Pathology and apply the concepts of various control measures of commonly widespread plant diseases.
Paper II : Plant Diversity IV, Semester V

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Acquire knowledge of different fossil forms and understand their role in evolution.
  2. Provide plant description, describe the morphological and reproductive structures of seven families and also identify and classify according to Bentham and Hooker’s system.
  3. Gain proficiency in the use of keys and identification manuals for identifying any unknown plants to species level.
  4. Relate anomalies in internal stem structure with function and appreciate the salient features of the root stem transition zone.
  5. Get exposure to pollen study and learn to apply it in various fields.
Paper III : Form & Function III, Semester V

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Acquire knowledge about two important organelles and molecular mechanisms of translation.
  2. Understand water relations of plants, inorganic and organic solute transport, and apply the knowledge to manage mineral nutrition and survival in challenging abiotic stresses.
  3. Understand succession in plant communities and study remediation technologies in order to apply knowledge acquired for cleanup of polluted sites.
  4. Get exposure to principles and techniques of plant tissue culture and apply these studies for improving agriculture and horticulture and to become an entrepreneur.
Paper IV : Current Trends in plant Sciences II, Semester V

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Get exposure to the technique of mushroom cultivation and explore the possibility of entrepreneurship in the same.
  2. Learn ethnobotanical principles, applications and utilize indigenous plant knowledge for the cure of common human diseases and improvement of agriculture.
  3. Gain knowledge about the latest molecular biology techniques for isolation and characterization of genes.
  4. Learn principles and application of commonly used techniques in instrumentation.
  5. Gain proficiency in the monograph study and pharmacognostic analysis of six medicinal plants.
Applied Component – Horticulture & Gardening, Semester V

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Illustrate the objectives and important branches of horticulture.
  2. Aware of horticulture research institutes in India and Government schemes for strategy plantations.
  3. Utilize the traditional and artificial plant propagation practices.
  4. Summarize types of manures, chemical fertilizers, bio-fertilizers and plant diseases.
  5. Apply various garden operations for horticulture.
  6. Know the scope of organic farming.
Paper I : Plant Diversity III, Semester VI

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Identify, describe and study in detail the life cycles of three Bryophytes.
  2. And study in detail classification and general characters of three classes of Pteridophytes and identify as well as describe the life cycles of one example from each class.
  3. Study evolutionary aspects and economic utilization of Bryophytes and Pteridophytes.
  4. Identify, describe and study in detail the life cycles of three Gymnosperms.
Paper II : Plant Diversity IV, Semester VI

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Study contribution of Botanical gardens, BSI to Angiosperm study and provide plant description, describe the morphological and reproductive structures of seven families.
  2. Gain exposure to a phylognetic system of classification.
  3. Gain insight into the anatomical adaptations of different ecological plant groups.
  4. Understand development plant of male and female gametophytes, embryonic structure and development.
  5. Understand the different aspects and importance of Biodiversity and utilize them for conservation of species so as to prevent further loss or extinction of Biodiversity and preserve the existing for future generations.
Paper III : Form & Function III, Semester VI

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Study various plant biomolecular structures and appreciate the structures, role, functions and applications of enzymes.
  2. Gain insight into the Nitrogen and plant hormone metabolism with applications of the same in agriculture and horticulture.
  3. Understand principles of genetic mapping , mutations and solve problems based on them, gain knowledge of various metabolic disorders and their implications.
  4. Generate and test hypotheses, make observations, collect data, analyze and interpret results, derive conclusions, and evaluate their significance within a broad scientific context, using suitable statistical techniques.
Paper IV : Current Trends in plant Sciences II, Semester VI

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Gain insight into recent molecular biology techniques for DNA analysis and amplification and Barcoding techniques and applications therein.
  2. Understand and apply tools of Bioinformatics for data retrieval and phylogenetic analysis.
  3. Learn about the sources of economically important plants in the field of fats and oils and apply it for extraction, dealing with entrepreneurship in the field.
  4. Gain knowledge and proficiency in preservation of post-harvest produce and explore the possibility of entrepreneurship in the field.
Applied Component – Horticulture & Gardening, Semester V

On completion of the course, students are able to :

  1. Develop garden designs, set up an indoor garden and illustrate different features of garden.
  2. Aware of important gardens in India.
  3. Utilize greenhouse technology in horticulture.
  4. Understand the scope and importance of floriculture.
  5. Apply techniques in commercial production of fruits, vegetables, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants.
  6. Acquire marketing skills in horticulture and select horticulture as a business.
Mechanism of Communication of PSO’s and CO’s

The Programme Specific Outcomes and the Course Outcomes of BA in History programmes is communicated to the students and teachers by :

  1. Placing them in college website.
  2. Displaying them on the notice boards in the department classrooms at the beginning of the academic year.
  3. Discussing them (module wise) during the syllabus presentation (PPT) at the beginning of each semester.